
Place To Go

Saturday, September 24, 2016

“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” 

Being a traveler seems cool. I mean we can experience new places, new people, new culture. We learn new things, probably the things that we thought we would never do it. But we came back with bunch of stories that we can tell to others, inspire them to travel too.

One of many places i want to travel is Grand Canyon.I had seen pictures of it and it tempted me to go there. It  is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in the state of Arizona in the United States. The Grand Canyon is 277 miles (446 km) long, up to 18 miles (29 km) wide and attains a depth of over a mile (6,093 feet or 1,857 meters).Nearly two billion years of Earth's geological history have been exposed as the Colorado River and its tributaries cut their channels through layer after layer of rock while the Colorado Plateau was uplifted.  

For thousands of years, the area has been continuously inhabited by Native Americans, who built settlements within the canyon and its many caves. The Pueblo people considered the Grand Canyon a holy site, and made pilgrimages to it. The first European known to have viewed the Grand Canyon was García López de Cárdenas from Spain, who arrived in 1540.

Source :

World Tournament x Techno Festival

“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game” 
― Babe Ruth

Hello readers!
It's been quite a while after i blogged by last post. So, the highlight of today's post is WTTF : World Tournament x Techno Festival. Actually, this event was held on Saturday, 20th of August. It's kinda late but better late than never, right?
A few days before Saturday, the seniors of eleventh grade came to my class and announced that there would be a sport event called WTTF. Later i knew that it was the program of 
9th & 10th sections of the Student Committee. They also said that the 10th & 11th grade must joined the event. The Committee also kept reminded students through LINE in their official account. I had some of the posters below. Really cute, isn't it? 

The day had came. I arrived in Lapangan Bali at 6.30 am and some of my friends had gathered. I instantly recognised my classmate because they wore the same color of clothes as i was. Which is red. We all agreed before to wear that color, and because from year to year, class X-6 always wore red. Then, all the participants was told to move onto the basketball to hear the instructions from the chairman of committee. One of the instructions was we must spoke english throughout the event. Oh, and Class X-6 would be competing with Class XI-6. After we all knew the rules, the event was started. 
It was a post to post game. The first post was in football field. There, the committee told us that we would play Flappy Bird game. Each team had 10 people to play. So each player had to play flappy bird for 15 seconds, then passed the phone to other player. The team that had the most high scores, would win the game. I was the player at that time, and let me tell you that playing flappy bird in a few seconds is not as easy as it seemed. Mostly each player of my team had the score only 5. With that, my team lost the game. 

Next one is still in the football field. 10 players was also required from each team this time. They were given a scarf with different color. The point of this game was to take the opponent's scarf. If the player had his scarf taken, he lost. Well, pretty much to say that my team lost this game, again.
The third post was at basketball field. It required one player from each time. Because it was some kind of IT quiz game, we asked our friend Otniel to play it. So, the committee told that the player would be given some questions about technology, and they were given the answers in paper. If they knew the answer, they must raised their hand first and then answered. It was a tight game, but finally we won it.
The fourth post was in Tongkeng Park. We needed to walk from Lapngan Bali. Tongkeng Park wasn't too far so it wasn't a problem. After we arrived, some committees had waited for us. There was 
a lot of cardboards, big ones beside them. We were told that each team had to make their own robot version from the cardboards. The game started and we hurriedly built our robot. We also used the accessories like bottle caps, straw, pin and others. After the time up, the committee informed that Class XI-6 won. Which it means another lost for my team.
The next post was in Photography Park. Here's a deal, it was at 11pm under the sun and the destination was quite far... because we took a walk. After we arrived, we were told to play twister. We asked Gea and Faris to play it. It was interesting because the position of players were pretty funny. They looked like in a Yoga session.  In this game, both team had the same score so it's a tie.
We moved to 3 SHS because it was break time. We sat in front of Aula Baru. We ate our lunch and had our dzuhur prayer. Then, the next post was still in 3 SHS. It was Samyang Challenge. Sadly, we lost the game, again.
We should be at Taman Musik for the next post, but because the time was up, we were told to move to Lapangan Bali for the closing. There, all the participants (Class X & XI) gathered and the committee announced who was the winner for the best team. There was one mission left, which was gathering all the pieces of puzzle that the teams had because became the winner of each posts. Class X were still competing with Class XI for this task. I'm happy to say that Class X (3'2019) won the last  task.
Well, although my team didn't win the entire posts, and not the winner of the best team, the event was successful.

Festival Seni & Budaya Megantara

Monday, September 12, 2016

"We are, at almost every point of our day, immersed in cultural diversity: faces, clothes, smells, attitudes, values, traditions, behaviours, beliefs, rituals." 
Randa Abdel-Fattah

Festival Seni & Budaya Megantara or Megantara Art & Culture Festival was one of the most awaited events that held by SMA 3 Bandung. It was held on September 10th in Lapangan Bali. I woke up at 4, but i remained at my bed until 5. After that,  i prepared myself for an hour and went straight to Lapangan Bali at 6 o'clock. The whole committee had gathered when i arrived, and we had a brief  meeting with the core committee. He said all of the things we should and should not do when the event be held. After that, he asked the whole committee to pray together for the event.

At 8 am, there was a parade for children from elementary school and students from middle school. I was told that there were 200 participants of that parade. All of the participants wore unique costumes, and they seemed really happy. At the end of the parade, there was a performance of Reog Ponorogo.

Although the committee had to be in the venue at six, the gate was opened for public at 11.35. It was a really hot day, but i saw a lot of people came. Most of the people just walked around the venue and looked for food. People also excited to try the ghost house. My friends and i decided to take a rest under a shady tree and had a chat there.

At 3 am, the visitors who came got more and more. I met a couple of friends from middle school and we shared story about our life now. Not long after that, there were a fashion show that consists 34 of students from grade X who wore the traditional costumes of each provinces in Indonesia. They walked around the stage with their costumes, and pulled a big smile for the crowd. At the end of the show, Mr Ridwan Kamil (mayor of Bandung) came on stage and announced the winner of the fashion show. With that, he officially opened the event.

At evening, the stage area was flooded with people. The left area of the stage was crowded with the people who stood, on the right area was crowded with the people who sat and ate. I didn't know the reason why, but i found it funny because the people looked like they had a picnic or something.. Being the committee of decoration, my friends and i had to keep an eye for the decoration. Each group of the committee had its own task and shifts. For me, i had the task to keep an eye of the tower from 18.30 until 20.00

The Tower

The performance that i really enjoyed was T'st (Tiloes Theatre). They did a really good job in entertaining people. They made a parody of Suicide Squad, but they put the a bit of Indonesian culture in it. The Changcurters then came in stage and the people went crazy. The vocalist of the band  was really hyperactive. He always moved and jumped all the way (and sang also). He knew how to spiced things up. A lot of people danced, had their hands in the air, and shouted. The next performance was RAN. I have seen RAN back in middle school so it wasn't a surprise anymore... the highlight of the show was when they asked one of the audience to accompany them in the stage. And they picked a girl (what a lucky girl!) and invited her to the stage. There, they began to sing 'Andai Dia Tahu' where Nino and Rai tried to win the girl's attention. After they finished, the
confetti was spread to the crowd and Festival Seni & Budaya Megantara finally ended.

Check out my short video about Megantara here!

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