
Dewa Athena

Friday, April 14, 2017

“The hardest skill to acquire in this sport is the one where you compete all out, give it all you have, and you are still getting beat no matter what you do. When you have the killer instinct to fight through that, it is very special.”– Eddie Reese

When you read the title, you probably think that this Athena would be the one and only goddess in greek mythology, who was a goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. Well in this article, Dewa Athena is an annual sport event which was held by the Student Committee of 3 Senior High. This year’s Dewa Athena would be the first for me.

I became the committee of this event and my task was to be an LO or Liaision Officer. LO is a person who liaises between two organizations to communicate and coordinate their activities. I was an LO for X Science 10 then. So every time X-10 had a games coming up, i had to be the one to communicate between them and the committee. The first day of  Dewa Athena was March 24th and took place in Lapangan Bali. After i arrived, i had to join  the briefing with other committee for about 30 mins and receive the class’s list of names. Then we split up and started working. First of all, i had to find students of X-10, but unfortunately they came a bit late so i had to ask for extra time for the first match which was Gobak Sodor (if i’m not mistaken). But finally it went well and the match started. In the first hour, there were only about 10 students who came but fortunately, all students came 1 hour later.

There was a bunch whole of match that were included in this event. Those are :
Relay Run
Tug of War
Gobak Sodor

So that day, all i had to do was accompanying X-10 and making sure that they joined every single match (although i failed in this task because they didn’t join at a couple of games hehe). I also had to constantly checking up my phone so i could know when was the time of X-10’s match from the committee group. Being an LO was quite tiring although i didn't play. It was tiring because i had to call and gather the students when they weren't in the place or when they were out for eating or else. It was kind of boring too because i couldn't cheer up for my class (X Science 6) neither i could play in the game. When there wasn’t any match coming up, it means i had a leisure time for a moment. I went to my class and cheer my classmate when they played. I also participate in volley. There wasn’t too much game going on after Dzuhur’s break so it’s not too hectic like morning. So i took a chance to take a rest for a 30 mins and had  lunch. The last schedule as basketball and i had to wait until 15.30. But it rained so the field was slippery and it tmeans the schedule had to be postponed until the field dried up. Finally, the basketball game started at 16.00. After that, i went home. So that was how the first day of Dewa Athena went by.

The second day of Dewa Athena was held the next week. I didn’t join this because i have an urgent thing coming up but luckily, my friend had replace me for the task of LO.

On the third day of Dewa Athena which was held 2 week after, my class had made through to the finale yeayy but we still need to compete with eleventh grader ( i forgot which class) but unfortunately we didn’t win.. but that’s okay because we knew that we had tried our best in this event.

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