
Dewa Athena

Friday, April 14, 2017

“The hardest skill to acquire in this sport is the one where you compete all out, give it all you have, and you are still getting beat no matter what you do. When you have the killer instinct to fight through that, it is very special.”– Eddie Reese

When you read the title, you probably think that this Athena would be the one and only goddess in greek mythology, who was a goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. Well in this article, Dewa Athena is an annual sport event which was held by the Student Committee of 3 Senior High. This year’s Dewa Athena would be the first for me.

I became the committee of this event and my task was to be an LO or Liaision Officer. LO is a person who liaises between two organizations to communicate and coordinate their activities. I was an LO for X Science 10 then. So every time X-10 had a games coming up, i had to be the one to communicate between them and the committee. The first day of  Dewa Athena was March 24th and took place in Lapangan Bali. After i arrived, i had to join  the briefing with other committee for about 30 mins and receive the class’s list of names. Then we split up and started working. First of all, i had to find students of X-10, but unfortunately they came a bit late so i had to ask for extra time for the first match which was Gobak Sodor (if i’m not mistaken). But finally it went well and the match started. In the first hour, there were only about 10 students who came but fortunately, all students came 1 hour later.

There was a bunch whole of match that were included in this event. Those are :
Relay Run
Tug of War
Gobak Sodor

So that day, all i had to do was accompanying X-10 and making sure that they joined every single match (although i failed in this task because they didn’t join at a couple of games hehe). I also had to constantly checking up my phone so i could know when was the time of X-10’s match from the committee group. Being an LO was quite tiring although i didn't play. It was tiring because i had to call and gather the students when they weren't in the place or when they were out for eating or else. It was kind of boring too because i couldn't cheer up for my class (X Science 6) neither i could play in the game. When there wasn’t any match coming up, it means i had a leisure time for a moment. I went to my class and cheer my classmate when they played. I also participate in volley. There wasn’t too much game going on after Dzuhur’s break so it’s not too hectic like morning. So i took a chance to take a rest for a 30 mins and had  lunch. The last schedule as basketball and i had to wait until 15.30. But it rained so the field was slippery and it tmeans the schedule had to be postponed until the field dried up. Finally, the basketball game started at 16.00. After that, i went home. So that was how the first day of Dewa Athena went by.

The second day of Dewa Athena was held the next week. I didn’t join this because i have an urgent thing coming up but luckily, my friend had replace me for the task of LO.

On the third day of Dewa Athena which was held 2 week after, my class had made through to the finale yeayy but we still need to compete with eleventh grader ( i forgot which class) but unfortunately we didn’t win.. but that’s okay because we knew that we had tried our best in this event.


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Group Members : Rafa Kholida
                             Tsabita Pharama H.
1. The numerical value of 3.14
2. A day for the exchange of gifts or presents to the loved ones
4. Synonym of under
6. A tool which is used by woodcutter
8. For Your Information
10. A glass material in frame
12. Having or showing zeal
15. Remains of burning
16. Down reaching
14. Judge advocate

1. Shorter version of the longest word in English
5. Relating to a cultivated land
7. Chattering
9. Cars, bicycles, train
11. Fog (Plural)
13. Self-indulgent with fondness
15. Skateboard, iceskate

16. Synonym of action


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Reading about nature in the books is surely different than feeling it in the real life.  In elementary, the teachers taught me to keep the environment clean by throwing the trash into the bin. Later in junior high school, they asked me to study biology in order that I could understand more of environment. Little I knew that I spent too much time on the book rather than the nature around me instead.

Indonesia is a rich country with unique and diverse natural resources. Paddy fields as far as the eyes can see, crystal clear sea water, fresh waterfall, sunray that warms your skin when morning comes. Indonesia has all the nature you could ever mention. But sometimes,  it feels sad that we, as Indonesian citizen mostly take too many advantages from the nature without really thinking of impact on the future. Every elements in nature gives us life. Imagine of there’s no tree, then there’s no oxygen for us to breathe. Imagine if there’s no more sunrays, then we will crash things because we don’t know which way we should go. Imagine if there’s no water, then our body’s liquid will be running out and what other material that we should use to clean our body?

Statements above are just a few things to remind us all the importance of nature and it’s elements. Now take a deep breath. You’re feeling it aren’t you? the oxygen that went inside your lungs and how it feels so good to have them. Then stand up from your seat and go to your terrace. Take a look at the trees, the sky, and the grass in your yard.  Just by looking at it you will instantly feel fresh. Now if it starts to rain outside just stay calm. Look at sprinkle of water and how it falls to the leaf of your plants. Oh and don’t forget to smell the scent of ground after rain. That feeling you’ve got after doing these activities is so good right? It’s just a simple activities to remind us all how big is nature’s presence for us and other living things. Just by taking these steps, our concern for environment around us and nature in general will increase. We need to be grateful because Allah still gives us nature and by that we need to take extra care for it .

A week from now there will be Earth Day on Saturday, April 22nd 2017. Each year, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.  The main purpose of the event is to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Many communities in the world celebrate the Earth Day by doing activities focused on how to conserve the earth.  Now, lovely readers you can do several simple things to celebrate Earth Day.  For example, start take your own bag if you’re going to the supermarket,  ride a bike to the school, water your plants,  or spend more times outside. Most of outdoor activities are free so it will be a good choice to hang out with friends! Let Earth Day activities be your everyday activities from now on.

We can  make a big difference by doing the small things. Let’s preserve all the beauty in nature!

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